Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ECE Opportunities

See below for a recent post on ASME PeerLink's Young Engineer Correspondents site (http://peerlink.asme.org/COP/YECorrespondent/Forum/FullThread.fusion?ThreadID=3285):

ASME offers early career engineers (0-10 years out of college) the opportunity to get involved at the national level. Please take a moment to review the following upcoming opportunities (with mid-January deadlines) for yourself and/or to forward to other colleagues that might be interested. It’s a great way to gain professional development skills and network with other engineers.

* ECLIPSE is seeking interns (2009-2010)http://www.asme.org/Governance/Volunteer/Early_Career_Leadership.cfm Funded travel and leadership lessons from the top.Application deadline: January 11, 2009)

* Young Engineer Correspondents are seeking a Vice-Chair Electhttp://www.asme.org/Communities/EarlyCareer/Young_Engineer_Correspondents.cfm Practice your leadership skills. (Application Deadline: January 12, 2009)

* Leadership Training Conference (LTC) is seeking Early Career Delegateshttp://www.asme.org/Communities/EarlyCareer/Leadership_Training_2.cfm Intensive training opportunity. (Application Deadline: January 16, 2009)

* CL&D’s Committee on Internship Program (manages ECLIPSE) is seeking 2 new members (2009-2010)http://volunteer.asme.org/vobb/VolunteerPositions.cfmBegin a leadership path.(Positions to be filled ASAP)